
A common use for the nuxt-seo module is to create a personal blog, using the nuxt/content module.

The example site has the nuxt/content module setup and installed, allowing us to have a content blog powered by markdown files.

What is in this example?

This "blog website" example demonstrates:

  • default SEO settings in nuxt.config.js for every page
  • unique SEO setting on the site's home page, changing the templateTitle
  • a blog listing page
  • unique blog post page with custom social images

This example will NOT go into the full details of how to use the nuxt/content module. If you are unfamiliar, check out this tutorial.

Default SEO settings

Set your default global SEO settings using the seo property in your nuxt.config.js file.

export default {
  seo: {
    baseUrl: '',
    name: 'Site Name',
    templateTitle: '%name% — %title%',
    description: "Hi! I'm Nick, an indie developer.",
    keywords: 'indie, developer, nuxt',
    canonical: 'auto',
    isForcedTrailingSlash: false,
    author: 'Nick Frostbutter',
    openGraph.image: {
      url: '',
    twitter: { 
      site: '@nickfrosty', 
      creator: '@nickfrosty',
      card: 'summary',

Site's home page

Our website can have a home page (pages/index.vue) that updates the seo.templateTitle option for this page only. As well as setting unique SEO meta data for this page.

  <h1>Hello World</h1>

  export default {
    asyncData({ $seo }) {
        title: 'No place like home',
        templateTitle: '%title%',
        description: 'This is the meta description for the home page only',
        keywords: 'index, home, page',

Since we overrode the global seo.templateTitle on the homepage, it will now have a title that is No place like home

Blog posts listing

With the nuxt/content module setup and installed, we can set create a blog post listing page that is very similar to the home page.

    <h1>Blog post listing page</h1>
      <div v-for="post in posts" :key="post.title">
        <nuxt-link :to="'/blog/'+post.slug"></nuxt-link>

  export default {
    async asyncData({ params, error, $content }) {
      const posts = await $content("blog", { deep: true }).fetch();
      return { posts };
    head({ $seo }) {
      return $seo({
        title: 'Blog',
        description: 'Check out these posts',
        keywords: 'blog, listing, articles',

This "blog" index page will have meta tags for description and keywords. With a page title of Site Name - Blog (being set using the global templateTitle)

Markdown based blog post

Let's say we have a markdown blog post inside the /content/blog/ folder name

title: 'Post 1 Title'
description: 'This is the description for blog post 1. and only blog post 1'
keywords: 'test, example, custom'
- devlog
- boomerang
This is the blog post page content. Write something good :)

Note that this markdown file has YAML head information saved, including:

  • post title
  • custom post description and keywords
  • and an image url to use for social media.

Individual blog post

Lastly, we have our blog post viewing page, located at /pages/blog/_slug.vue. Allowing us to access the Nuxt params.slug parameter to find the actual blog post to display.

Using asyncData, we can retrieve the specific blog post's mardown file. Saving it into the post variable.

    <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    <img :src="post.image" :alt="post.title" />
    <nuxt-content :document="post" />

  export default {
    async asyncData({ params, error, $content }) {
      const [post] = await $content("blog", { deep: true })
        .where({ slug: params.slug })
      return { post };
    head({ $seo }) {
      return $seo({
        description: || 'fallback description',
        keywords: keywords,
        image: || '',
        twitter.card: 'summary_large_image'
    computed: {
        return ? : this.$seo.keywords;

Once we have the specific blog post's markdown file, we can access all the post's info. Including the YAML head data we set earlier. Like the post's descriotion, title, image, etc.

Using the head method, we set the any of the page's seo options, based on the post's contents.

In this specific example, we set a unique page title, description, keywords, image, and twitter.card. But you can of course set any of the seo options here.

SEO title

The page's title becomes the post.title, after it has been processed by the global templateTitle set in our nuxt.config.js.

SEO description

Here we are setting the page's meta description via seo.description. First we try to set it to post.description. If no post description is saved in the markdown file, then we default to a string of fallback description.

This examples uses a JavaScript logical OR statement. That's the "||" symbol.

SEO keywords

Next we set the keywords using a computed property named keywords, allowing us to keep any logic for parsing our post keywords.

This is not really necessary in the case, but just to demonstrate using computed properties with the module.

When setting your `seo` options via `head` method, you will have access to all the computed properties like normal in Vue/Nuxt.

Twitter card and image

Since our blog post will have a primary "hero" style image, we override the global twitter.card option we set prior with a the larger image card type accepted by Twitter.

Lastly, we set the image option of the primary image from the blog post itself.

Reminder: the image property is an alias for the OpenGraph image, which is also accepted by Twitter in their card system.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Sat, Apr 30, 2022